Exfoliate your body:
Often we forget to give our body the same attention we give to our face, but chances are if your skin is dry or oily on your face the same will be said for your body, Exfoliation is key to help remove all the impurities that accumulate over time, turning the skin opaque and dull. That is why exfoliation becomes an indispensable task to improve its appearance.
To exfoliate the body is a beauty ritual that must be performed at least once a week if you want to keep it impeccable, supple and radiant. With exfoliation, the dead skin cells are removed providing a deep cleanse and allowing moisturizing products to penetrate much better; resulting in a smoother dermis. Also, exfoliation reactivates blood circulation that helps combat cellulite and the “orange peel” effect.
Hydrate and Nurture your body:
Body skin hydration is essential at any age and in every season. Irritability, flaking and lack of flexibility of the skin are very common symptoms for those with dry skin, making it imperative to moisturize on a daily basis. Also with the passage of time the sebaceous glands are less active and the skin loses the ability to retain water, so it dries more easily. Heating, air conditioning and sun are external factors that facilitate water evaporation.
Moisturizing is essential for the skin to:
- Nourish and lock in moisture.
- Helps contribute to the regeneration of cells.
- Moisturize and hydrate.
- Provide essential vitamins and minerals for healthy skin.
Novo Spa encourages guests to follow a good skin body care regime at the spa or at home, and our recommended products are:
Guinot Body Care
Gommage Facile (Smoothing Body Scrub)
Longue Vie Corps ( Vital Body Care)
Eminence Organic Body Care